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Hello, I need help with how I can get domiciliation. Where I live don't want to give me the certificate
Top Answer
Check our Resource Hub, you'll find a detailed guide with a checklist of documents and links needed to apply for Auto-Entrepreneur.
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As an auto-entrepreneur in France, here's how you can obtain domiciliation and other necessary documents:
Domiciliation Options
Personal Residence: This is the simplest and most cost-effective option. However, consider the following:
If renting, get your landlord's permission.
Check the co-ownership rules and inform the property manager if applicable.
For social housing, written authorization from the managing organization is often required.
Domiciliation Company: Provides a professional address and additional services like mail management.
Business Incubator: Ideal for startups, offering both accommodation and support services.
Required Documents
To register your auto-entrepreneur, you'll need:
Proof of Identity: A copy of your passport or European ID card with a handwritten statement: "I certify this copy is true to the original. Done in [your city], on [date]". Sign and date the document.
Proof of Address: Such as a utility bill (water, electricity, or gas).
Declaration of Non-Conviction: Dated and signed.
Authorization to Practice: If your activity is regulated, provide a copy of your diploma or qualification.
Domiciliation Contract: If using a domiciliation company.
Registration Process
Submit your registration request online through the business single window (guichet unique des entreprises).
You'll receive a business creation file deposit receipt (RDDCE) valid for up to one month.
Once registered, you'll receive proof of registration containing your identification numbers (SIRET, APE code).
Your health coverage will be automatically set up with CPAM.
Remember, you cannot start your activity before receiving your official SIRET number.
Changing Domiciliation Address
If you need to change your domiciliation address later, you can do so through the Guichet unique. You'll need to provide:
A valid ID copy
Proof of the new auto-entrepreneur address (less than 3 months old)
Keep in mind that domiciliation is a crucial step in establishing your auto-entrepreneur, as it affects your business strategy and administrative communications.
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