Question that inspired this post:
Hi everyone, I am in the process of applying for French nationality for my 14-year-old son who was born in France and has lived here all his life. I have all the necessary documentation but does any have an example of the covering letter needed? I see online it just says "Demande de nationalité française sur papier libre" I want to be sure I include all the info they need.
Top Answer
"When it tells you to write a cover letter on plain paper, demanding his naturalization - that is exactly what you will do. I doubt you will find any examples online, but having just spoken with my French partner, it would be expected that the letter would have a polite salutation at the commencement and would say something like - I am demanding naturalization for my son who is born on this date in this place and lives at such and such dress. He has lived in France, all his life and attended school at these institutions. I am including all the documentation needed for this. I beg you, sir, and madam, to accept my gracious salutations.  there is no need for me to add that this should be written in French right? As you can see, he has an absolute right to this and so you are simply going through the formalities. It is great that you’ve thought to do this before his 18th birthday. the screenshot I am attaching came from this page. Check this link"
Here's a basic template you could use:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Postal Code, City]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]
Madame, Monsieur,
Objet : Demande de nationalité française pour mon fils [Son Name]
Je soussigné(e), [Your Full Name], né(e) le [Your Date of Birth] à [Your Place of Birth], demeurant au [Your Address], ai l'honneur de solliciter l'acquisition de la nationalité française pour mon fils [Son Full Name], né le [Son Date of Birth] à [Son Place of Birth], et résidant à la même adresse.
Mon fils [Son Name] est né en France et y a vécu toute sa vie. À ce titre, je souhaite que sa demande de nationalité française soit examinée.
Vous trouverez ci-joint les documents nécessaires à l'instruction de cette demande :
Acte de naissance de mon fils [Son Name]
Certificat de scolarité
Justificatif de domicile
Photocopie de mon passeport/carte d'identité
Photocopie de mon livret de famille
Preuve de résidence en France depuis la naissance de mon fils
Je reste à votre disposition pour toute information complémentaire et vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées.
[Your Signature]
For a 14-year-old child born and raised in France, the process of applying for French nationality is typically straightforward.
The covering letter, or "demande de nationalité française sur papier libre," should be concise and include the following key information:
Your son's full name, date of birth, and place of birth in France.
Your full name and nationality as the parent requesting on behalf of your minor child.
A clear statement that you are requesting French nationality for your son based on his birth and continuous residence in France.
Mention of the specific legal basis for the application, which in this case is likely Article 21-11 of the French Civil Code (acquisition of French nationality by declaration for a minor born in France to foreign parents).
A summary of your son's ties to France, such as his schooling and integration into French society.
List of enclosed documents supporting the application.
Your contact information, including address and phone number.
Date and your signature
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