Question that inspired this post:
Bonjour, I need your advice and suggestions on this. I’m from Pakistan my Parents moved here 6 years ago back when I was 17 and a half then my parents applied for political asylum and we got papers as refugees, I have a French passport and titre de sejour but on both, there is a written Refugee. Right now I’m 24 and have a b1 level in French, I’m not applying for French nationality for now because as I’m not working I’m doing formation, I fear that it will get rejected so my question is can I go to Pakistan for visiting and coming back or can I apply for document de voyage will they accept it? here is the passport.
"If you are refugees and seeking political asylum surely you are saying that you cannot go back to your country because you risk persecution? How will you explain that visiting a country where you have declared to France that you are at risk if you return is fine?"
"I would say you need to concentrate on finding work first before applying for Nationality to show stability but that is your choice. You have been here 6 years so you have the right to apply, check here"
"It is written on my Refugee passport
( Document délivré pour tous les pays sauf/ Document issued to all countries expect PAKISTAN)"
Based on the information provided, I understand your situation and concerns. Here's formalitee advice:
Travel to Pakistan: As a refugee, you should not travel to your country of origin (Pakistan) without explicit permission from French authorities. Doing so could jeopardize your refugee status and protection in France.
Document de voyage: You can apply for a titre de voyage pour réfugié (TVR) or a titre d'identité et de voyage (TIV) which allows refugees to travel outside of France. However, these documents explicitly exclude travel to the country of origin (Pakistan in your case).
Applying for a sauf-conduit: In exceptional circumstances (such as a family member's funeral or severe illness), you can apply for a "sauf-conduit" at your local prefecture. This is a special document allowing a brief return to your country of origin. However, these are rarely granted and require strong justification.
French nationality: Applying for French nationality could be a good long-term solution. While you're concerned about rejection due to not working, completing your formation (training) is viewed positively. You meet the age requirement and have a B1 level in French, which are both favourable factors.
Risks: Travelling to Pakistan without proper authorization could result in the loss of your refugee status and protection in France.
Do not attempt to travel to Pakistan without explicit authorization from French authorities.
Consider applying for a titre de voyage pour réfugié (TVR) for travel to countries other than Pakistan.
If you have an urgent need to visit Pakistan, consult with your prefecture about the possibility of a sauf-conduit, but be prepared for a likely refusal.
Continue your formation and consider applying for French nationality when you feel more confident about your application's chances of success.
If you need more specific legal advice, consider consulting with a lawyer specializing in immigration and refugee law.
Remember, maintaining your refugee status and protection should be your primary concern.
Any travel plans should be carefully considered and discussed with the appropriate authorities to avoid compromising your status in France.
Reach out for more questions.