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Why Your ANEF Account Shows 'In Progress' Despite Receiving Email for Residence Permit Collection?


Question that inspired this post(posted on 20/11/2024):

I received an email from the préfecture stating that my residence permit is ready for collection. However, my ANEF account still shows the status as "in progress."

Previously, I had two Carte de Séjour Pluriannuelle - Passeport Talents and applied for my second renewal in December 2023. This month marks the completion of my five years, and I recently received the email to collect my Titre de Séjour.

Despite this, my ANEF account hasn’t been updated, and I haven’t received the favourable decision certificate yet. Any idea why this might be the case?

Top Answers

  1. "The text or email notification is what matters—not the website. If you haven't received one, you should contact the préfecture directly."

  2. "That was my experience as well. The website never showed that my card was ready, but I received a text confirming it. Once I got the message, I paid the tax, printed the receipt, and booked an appointment to collect the card. To avoid any potential delays, I scheduled my appointment for a week later. With my tax receipt and appointment confirmation in hand, I had my residence card within 20 minutes of arriving at the préfecture."

  3. "In my case, I didn’t receive the text but still managed to make an appointment directly at the préfecture."

  4. "If you’re based in Paris, we regularly update our community about available appointment slots at the préfecture for free. Join our community on Discord to stay informed: Discord Link."



Based on the information provided, it appears there is a discrepancy between the status shown on your ANEF (Administration Numérique pour les Étrangers en France) account and the email you received from the prefecture. This situation is not uncommon and can occur due to several reasons:

Possible Explanations:

  1. System Delay: There might be a delay in updating the status on the ANEF platform. The prefecture's internal system may have processed your application faster than it's reflected on the ANEF website.

  2. Different Processing Systems: The prefecture and ANEF may use separate systems that don't always synchronize in real time.

  3. Automatic Email Generation: The prefecture might have an automated system that sends out collection notifications once a decision is made, which could be faster than the ANEF update process.

  4. Transition to Residence Card: Given that you've completed five years in France, the prefecture may have processed your application for a residence card (carte de résident) instead of another temporary permit, which might follow a different notification process.

Recommended Actions:

  1. Follow Prefecture Instructions: Since you've received an official email from the prefecture, it's advisable to follow their instructions for collecting your residence permit.

  2. Bring Documentation: When going to collect your permit, bring all relevant documents, including your previous residence permits, passport, and email notification from the prefecture.

  3. Prepare for Payment: Be prepared to pay the required fees. Typically, there's a €25 tax stamp fee for collecting the permit.

  4. Check Prefecture Website: Look for any additional instructions or appointment scheduling requirements on your prefecture's website12.

  5. Contact ANEF Support: If you're concerned about the discrepancy, you can try contacting ANEF support or visiting a digital reception point for clarification.

Recommended Actions:

  1. Follow Prefecture Instructions: Since you've received an official email from the prefecture, it's advisable to follow their instructions for collecting your residence permit

  2. Bring Documentation: When going to collect your permit, bring all relevant documents, including your previous residence permits, passport, and the email notification from the prefecture

  3. Prepare for Payment: Be prepared to pay the required fees. Typically, there's a €25 tax stamp fee for collecting the permit

  4. Check Prefecture Website: Look for any additional instructions or appointment scheduling requirements on your prefecture's website

  5. Contact ANEF Support: If you're concerned about the discrepancy, you can try contacting ANEF support or visiting a digital reception point for clarification

Important Considerations:

  • The residence card (carte de résident) is typically valid for 10 years and is issued after 5 years of legal and uninterrupted residence in France

  • The processing time for residence permit applications can vary, but the prefecture usually has a minimum deadline of 3 months to issue the card after a decision is made

Given that you've received an official notification from the prefecture, likely, your permit is indeed ready for collection, despite the ANEF website not being updated yet. It's best to proceed with the collection process as instructed by the prefecture.

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