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Your Guide to Paying Fine in Paris, France: Quick and Easy Methods


Question that inspired this post(posted on 29/10/2024): 

I got a fine of 375 euros for my scooter. How do I pay this fine in Paris, France?

Top Answer

"Looks like you would have paid only 135€ initially and got 375€ because of late payment. You could have paid 300€ if you did react within 30 days here."


To pay your fine of 375 euros in France, you have several options:

  1. Online Payment:

    • Visit the official website

    • Use the E-PAYMENT NUMBER (Numéro de télépaiement) found on your notice.

    • Pay using a credit or debit card.

  2. By Telephone:

    • Call the payment line at +33 149 353 692.

    • Have your E-PAYMENT NUMBER ready and pay by card.

  3. By Post:

    • Send a cheque to the address provided on the notice.

    • Include the payment form with your cheque.

  4. In Person:

    • Visit a Trésorerie (public finance office) and pay in cash (up to 300 euros) or by card.

    • Alternatively, use a newsagent that offers remote fine payment services.

Make sure to pay within the specified timeframe to avoid additional penalties. If you encounter any issues, contacting the service listed on your notice for assistance is advisable.

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